Search Animal Health & Identification | Assembly Plant | AP | 0 |
| Animal Rescue Entity | ARE | 134 |
| Animal Rescue Entity w/o Primary Physical Location | AREF | 48 |
| Conveyance For Transport | CFT | 15 |
| Livestock Auction Market | LAM | 7 |
| Livestock Feedlot | LF | 1 |
| Rendering Plant | RP | 6 |
Search Commercial Feed Registrations | Commercial Feed Registration | FEED | 405 |
Search Veterinary Product Registrations | Veterinary Product Registration | VET | 250 |
Search Food Safety | Animal Food Processor | AFP | 30 |
| Bakery Distributor | BD | 4 |
| Bakery | BK | 881 |
| Classified Bakery | CBK | 4 |
| Classified Dairy Products Plant | CDPP | 0 |
| Classified Food Processing Establishment | CFP | 82 |
| Classified Food Storage Warehouse | CFW | 15 |
| Custom Meat Processor | CMP | 81 |
| Custom Mobile Slaughter | CMS | 50 |
| Classified Non-Alcoholic Beverage Plant | CNAB | 2 |
| Classified Non-Slaughtering Processor | CNSP | 0 |
| Classified Retail Food Establishment | CRFE | 467 |
| Custom Stationary Slaughter | CSS | 18 |
| Classified Wholesale Frozen Dessert Mfr | CWFD | 0 |
| Domestic Kitchen Bakery | DKB | 183 |
| Domestic Kitchen Food Processor | DKFP | 224 |
| Dairy Operator Lifetime | DOL | 0 |
| Dairy Products Plant | DPP | 43 |
| Egg Breaker Permit | EBP | 1 |
| Egg Handler Permit | EHP | 243 |
| Fluid Milk Distributor | FMD | 16 |
| Fluid Milk Producer | FMP | 143 |
| Farm Mixed Type Facility | FMTF | 0 |
| Food Processing Establishment | FP | 1,711 |
| Food Storage Warehouse | FW | 510 |
| HTST Pasteurizer Operator | HPO | 176 |
| Mobile Milk Tanker | MMT | 77 |
| Meat Sellers | MS | 570 |
| Milk Sampler-Grader | MSG | 293 |
| Non-Alchoholic Beverage Plant | NAB | 14 |
| Non-Processing Distributor Grade A | NPDA | 8 |
| Non-Slaughtering Processor | NSP | 138 |
| Producer-Distributor Grade A | PDA | 6 |
| Prepackaged Meat Sellers | PPM | 1,047 |
| Poultry and Rabbit Slaughter | PRS | 15 |
| Retail Food Establishment | RFE | 4,408 |
| Refrigerated Locker Plant | RLP | 5 |
| Shellfish Commercial Harvester | SCH | 31 |
| Shellfish Dist., Shipper, Wholesaler | SDSW | 41 |
| Shellfish Grower | SG | 17 |
| Slaughterhouse | SLGH | 12 |
| Shellfish Shucker-Packer | SSP | 7 |
| Unique Identification Number | UIN | 189 |
| Unlicensed Food Safety | UNL | 0 |
| Vat Pasteurizer Operator | VPO | 77 |
| Wholesale Manufacturer Frozen Dessert | WMFD | 25 |
Search Market Access & Certification | Grain Warehouse | GW | 0 |
| Retail Seed Dealer | RSD | 865 |
| Wholesale Seed Dealer | WSD | 225 |
Search Natural Resources | CAFO General Permit | CAFG | 473 |
| CAFO Individual Permit | CAFI | 4 |
Search Plant | Agricultural Hemp Seed License | AHS | 7 |
| Apiary Registration | AR | 223 |
| Christmas Tree Grower | CTG | 322 |
| Ginseng Dealer | GD | 1 |
| Ginseng Grower | GG | 1 |
| Hemp Grow Site | HGS | 71 |
| Hemp Handler License by Reciprocity | HHR | 8 |
| Hemp Research Grower License | HRG | 4 |
| Hemp Vendor Site License | HVS | 317 |
| Hemp Grower License | IHG | 80 |
| Hemp Handler License | IHH | 147 |
| Nursery Dealer: Retail-Florist-Landscape | ND | 1,640 |
| Nsy Stk Growers Collectors of Native Pla | NG | 915 |
| Greenhouse Grower of Herbaceous Plants | NGH | 317 |
Search Pesticides | Aerial Pesticide Applicator | APA | 128 |
| Pesticide Apprentice License | APL | 583 |
| Commercial Pesticide Applicator | CPA | 3,310 |
| Commercial Pesticide Operator | CPO | 919 |
| Immediately Supervised Trainee | IST | 1,214 |
| Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator | NPA | 68 |
| Private Pesticide Applicator | PAL | 3,395 |
| Pesticide Consultant | PC | 571 |
| Pesticide Dealer | PD | 223 |
| Public Pesticide Applicator | PPA | 1,846 |
Search Pesticide Product Registrations | Pesticide Product Registration | PPR | 1,339 |
Search Fertilizer | Amendment Product Registration | APR | 368 |
| Manufacturer/Bulk Distributor | FMBD | 274 |
| Fertilizer Product Registration | FPR | 540 |
| Lime Product Registration | LPR | 61 |
| Mineral Product Registration | MPR | 483 |
Search Weights & Measures | A-Scales 0-400 lbs capacity | A | 5,654 |
| B-Scales 401-1,160 lbs capacity | B | 335 |
| C-Scales 1,161-7,500 lbs capacity | C | 784 |
| D-Scales 7,501-60,000 lbs capacity | D | 955 |
| E-Scales over 60,000 lbs capacity | E | 969 |
| F-Meter under 20 gpm | F | 1,554 |
| G-Meter 20-150 gpm | G | 415 |
| H-Meter over 150 gpm | H | 73 |
| M-Meter LPG 1" Diameter or under | M | 959 |
| N-Meter LPG over 1" Diameter | N | 86 |
| O-Meter Vapor 1" Dia or under | O | 9 |
| P-Meter Vapor over 1" Diameter | P | 1 |
| Q-Railroad Track Weigh-in-motion | Q | 1 |
| R-Railroad Track Static Weighing | R | 25 |
| W-Continuous Weighing under 10 t/hr | W | 30 |
| X-Continuous Weighing 10-150 t/hr | X | 15 |
| Y-Continuous Weighing 151-1000 t/hr | Y | 10 |
| Z-Continuous Weighing over 1000 t/hr | Z | 2 |